Imagine my surprise, when in watching America's Got Talent the other night, that a contestant takes to the stage and proclaims that he is from Cheyenne, Wyoming.

Aiden Sinclair is a magician from Cheyenne and he wowed the judges, not only with his magic but with his personal story as well. After spending nearly two decades on the run from the law, he surrendered to federal agents and confessed to his life of confidence schemes and aliases.

Aiden explains to the judges that he picked up a deck of cards and over the five years of his prison sentence he learned the skills that gave him the opportunity to set out upon a new path in life. Rather than face a future as a recidivism statistic, Aiden chose to spend his time adapting the skills that served him so well as a confidence artist to a new calling. Today, Aiden practices the art of deception for your entertainment.

In addition to his regular performances, Aiden lectures at high schools and universities throughout the United States and uses his auotbiographical one-man show, Grift, to motivate students to stay on a positive life path.

Now when watching America's Got Talent you can cheer on a fellow Wyomingite for his success and for turning his life around.

Here is Aiden in action on AGT.

And here is another great trick that aooears to have been recorded in the bar at the Plains Hotel in downtown Cheyenne.

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