Casper's own A'Salt Creek Roller Girls wrap up their home season this Saturday against the Billings Roller Derby Dames at the Fairgrounds Industrial Building. Doors open at 6, bout starts at 7, and we'll head over to Galloway's for the after party. Tickets are available at Sonic Rainbow, Nate's Flowers, Kim's Closet East, and our studios - 150 N. Nichols. Tickets are $12 in advance, $15 at the door, and $5 for kids 12-under (kids get in free with a paying adult), Today, we'll introduce you to Crystal, a small business owner, wife, mom, and overall bad-ass

Bill Hind Justice

Bill Hind Justice - A'Salt Creek Referee
Bill Hind Justice - A'Salt Creek Referee

Position: Referee

Real name: Geoff

Profession: Wind Turbine Technician

Origin of derby name: I wanted something that played on the idea many sports fans have that referees are blind while still looking like a real name. After agonizing about it for a month I married that concept to the more positive notion that justice is blind; meaning that it's unbiased.

How long have you been skating: Off and on since age 3. I couldn't wait to get out on the frozen ponds of the Great White North when I was a kid.

Why derby: Because it's such a rich and complex sport. The athleticism on display at any roller derby event is staggering. And I'm a huge fan of anything that involves both the grace and beauty of skating and full contact blocking.

What positive aspect has derby brought to your life: Roller derby brings with it a great sense of community. I've traveled hundreds of miles to referee bouts between two leagues which I barely know and ended up with a free place to stay and some great friends by the end of the night. That kind of "if you're in derby you're family" concept can only exist in this kind of DIY, anything-for-the-sport kind of culture.

Can't leave the house without...: my multi-tool. Whether it's fixing skates, basic auto maintenance, or opening a box or beer I'm never far from my Leatherman.

Likes: skating, gears and bearings, punk rock, beer, physics, justice, Edmonton Oilers

Dislikes: backtalk, dirty hits, slow skates, french-press coffee, villainy, Calgary Flames

What are your non-derby hobbies/activities/hidden talents: Home-brewing beer. I recently discovered the sport of bike polo but I need to fix up my Schwinn before I can play.

Favorite quote/saying: "I am the yin to villainy's malevolent yang!" -The Tick

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