Tonight, Thursday June 5th at 7PM there will be a bicycle ride downtown to memorialize accident victim Matthew Harker. The ride is organized by John Kirlin of Bike Safe Wyoming. Riders are encouraged to meet at the corner of 1st and Beech (Across from King's Corner Church). There will be a police escort to lead the way.

The route will be Eastbound from Beech down 1st St. We will then turn right (south) on Lennox followed by another right (west) on 2nd St. We will then proceed down 2nd St. back to Beech. The route is approximately 2 and 1/2 miles in length and is expected to roll at a leisurely pace so riders of all ages are welcome. The ride will be followed by a prayer lead by Pastor Brenda Frelsi.

Please come out and ride with us in celebration and support of life and creating a safer place for everyone.

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